I recently was lucky enough to meet Anne Jolles when I took an online
class on the Grace Trail. Anne created the original trail in Plymouth MA, when
she was struggling to cope with the challenge of her son serving in military
service in Afghanistan. The trail has since been walked by thousands. The
beauty of the Grace Trail is that you do not have to go to Plymouth to walk your
own trail. You can do the trail anywhere, even from the comfort of your own
The Grace trail is a simple five step resiliency process that begins with gratitude and ends with hope. The questions are designed to get you out of your head and connected with your soul. Grace is an acronym for the five steps: Gratitude, Release, Accept, Challenge and Embrace.
The five Grace Trail Questions are:
Gratitude: Even though life is hard, what can I be grateful for?
Release: Even though I carry burdens, what can I release?
Accept: Even though I feel confused, what is calling for my acceptance?
Challenge: Even though I am overwhelmed, how do I need to challenge
Embrace: Even though I feel unsure, what can I embrace as possible?
The trail is a place where people can walk off the war within them without
straying too far from home. The trail leads to new and more empowering
perspectives. It is a practical way to cope with challenges in our lives and leaves
us with a greater sense of purpose and meaning.
If you are interested in learning more about how to use the trail in your life
please email me at vanessalifeandrecoverycoach@gmail.com
You can learn more about the grace trail at gracetrail.com