Action Plan

Each session will start with an exploration of the issues that the client wishes to address.
I will work with you to discover an outcome you desire.
We will work on an action plan and then implement the steps necessary for success.

Types of issues that we will work on include:

Relapse prevention: Learn effective coping mechanisms for urges, recognize relapse warning signs and create a healthy lifestyle.

Communication: Strengthen your boundaries, learn how to effectively communicate basic needs , discover how to manage complaints and criticism without conflict.

Negative Self-Talk: Identify negative inner dialogue, discover your sabotaging beliefs, learn ways to defuse from these beliefs and move forward.

Challenging Emotions: Learn how to increase your capacity to be with anxiety, depression and anger, increase self- awareness for improved emotional wellbeing.

Shame: Learn the relationship between shame and addiction, understand the impact of toxic shame, increase self compassion.

Perfectionism: Set realistic standards that are not costly to your mental and physical health, prioritize your tasks and create realistic schedules with manageable steps.