Vanessa Klugman is a retired physician, ACC certified coach and leader of Resilience Recovery Coaching. Vanessa is a certified recovery coach through Crossroads and is accredited through the International Coaching Federation.
She holds a BA from the University of Chicago and MD from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine at Rush University Medical Center and her fellowship in endocrinology at the University of Chicago. She practiced endocrinology in private practice for 22 years.
Vanessa’s highly demanding career resulted in burnout and an addiction to prescription painkillers. She entered recovery in 2015 and her personal journey through addiction and recovery allows her to empathize with the challenges that face professionals in recovery.
She brings nonjudgmental acceptance along with a deeply compassionate demeanor to meet her clients where they are in their process. She strongly believes that each client has a unique journey to recovery and works with her clients to discover their own path. She helps her clients cope with challenging emotions, face limiting beliefs, and set appropriate boundaries that protect their sobriety. She holds her clients accountable for the commitments they make to change and helps them move forward in their lives
Helpful Links
https://resiliencerecoverycoaching.com Vanessa’s Coaching Website
https://lifering.org/ LifeRing Secular (non-religious) Recovery
https://womenforsobriety.org/ Women for Sobriety
https://sherecovers.org/ She Recovers (you can access the Facebook group here)
https://www.smartrecovery.org/ SMART Recovery
https://r20.com/ Recovery 2.0
https://betsybyler.com/treatment-tool/ Free Treatment Tool